10 Jan The Power of Brand Identity
What it is, how it is created, why it is important
If we were to decide to place the cornerstones of marketing on a priority scale, in the very first positions we would have to place the concept of brand identity. A central and foundational notion that every company-regardless of its size, turnover, or industry-should focus on in order to set up a good communication and promotion effort.
But let's go step by step: what exactly is the brand identity? What is it used for? Why is it so important for a brand? Let's see it together step by step.
The definition of brand identity
The concept of brand identity in Italian can be translated as "brand identity" and indicates the set of all the unique and characteristic elements with which a brand presents itself in the eyes of its potential consumers. In other words, it is nothing more than the desired image.
However, the concept is often confused with that of brand image, as if they were synonyms. In reality, the term brand image implies something different: if the brand identity is the way the brand decides to present itself to its audience, the brand image is the end result, which is how the brand is actually perceived.
But in essence what is brand identity?
That of the brand identity is a complex and diverse world that embraces a wide range of elements, at the level both visual and textual. The main ones include:
- Brand name
- Logo
- Corporate pay off
- Color Palette
- Packaging
- Web design
- Tone of voice
- Values
- Mission
Okay, but why the brand identity Is it of such strategic value? What is its purpose?
The power of brand identity
The creation of a strong and effective identity is a crucial step for any type of business. Having a brand identity clear, consistent, and well-defined is useful to the brand from several perspectives, all of which are vital in marketing:
- It helps the brand to make yourself easily recognizable and thus to stand out from the competition;
- It allows you to gain authority on the market;
- It allows you to conquer the trust consumers;
- Transmits emotions and creates proximity With the audience.
What does this mean? It means that the logo will have to be unique and distinctive, clear and memorable, as well as the colors and all graphic elements. The site design will have to be consistent with the packaging, gadgets, and so on. The choice of pay-off will have to be short, effective and easy to remember, the company values and mission well expressed and shareable.
Any concrete examples? Let's take a look here:

Steps to creating a successful brand identity
But what are the steps and order to follow if you want to start from scratch in creating a brand identity?
- Defining brand characteristics: ask yourself who you are, what you are about, what audience you address, but most importantly, what is your unique selling proposition (USP), that is, what makes you different and special from your competitors;
- Choice of name: this is about finding the right name for your business, including checking what trademarks are already registered and whether the web domain is available or already used;
- Study of the graphic elements of the brand: Included in this phase is the creation of the logo, the choice of the website theme, the creation of the corporate image, the choice of font and colors--in short, everything that identifies the look of the brand;
- Setting the tone of voice: in what tone of voice do you want to communicate with your interlocutors? What kind of language do you want to use? What kind of relationship do you want to establish? Once you have defined your tone of voice, you will need to remember to apply it consistently in each of your communication channels (social media, website, newsletters, brochures, etc.).
Need a hand in creating your own brand identity? Write to us here to get in touch with us!
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